Brittany N. Forman is a Director at Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI). At ESI, Ms. Forman leads projects in the areas of community and economic development, municipal consulting, economic inclusion, and nonprofit management. She helps clients assess budgets and policies, evaluate programs and operations, conduct stakeholder outreach, and quantify economic impacts. Ms. Forman enjoys managing both small and large projects from inception to their
successful completion.
Reverend Dr. Herbert H. Lusk, II,
Pastor Lusk has served as a Senior Pastor since 1982 of Greater Exodus Baptist Church, 704-714 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, which has grown from 17 members to over 2,000 under his leadership. Pastor Lusk founded People for People, Incorporated, (PFP) in 1989 as the community development arm of Greater Exodus Baptist Church. Since 1989, PFP has filled to capacity its eight-story building with community development and revitalization initiatives involving over 200 full-time employees, the PFP Charter School, the Early Childhood Development Center, the EARN Center (welfare to work program), the Mentoring Children of Purpose program (for children with incarcerated parents), the What Matters Most Abstinence Program, and the PFP Community Development Credit Union.
As founder and president of Econsult Solutions, Stephen Mullin provides expertise in the economics of state and local public finance and policy analysis, economic and real estate development and impact analyses, and business-government strategies. His consulting practice dates back to 2000, having a client base ranging from state and local governments and agencies, private businesses, real estate developers, and not-for-profit institutions.