After a difficult period following the lifting of pandemic regulations, the time to revisit the Philadelphia Streeteries program has arrived. On February 29, 2024, City Councilmember Rue Landau introduced a resolution calling for "hearings to investigate the efficiency, implementation, and enhancement of the outdoor dining program and improve opportunities for restaurants to operate streeteries and sidewalk cafes." This resolution marks the first step in prioritizing the Streeteries program.
Councilmember Landau joins DAG on June 4th to give remarks, share some of her ideas, and answer questions on Streeteries in Philadelphia.
Joining her will be Jacob Dugopolski and David Vega-Barachowitz of WXY Studio whose work on New York City's Streetery program can inform Philadelphia's next steps. They will share process, lessons learned, and join in a conversation about how Philadelphia can work to build a thriving, coordinated Streetery network.
Missed it? WATCH IT HERE.