Thursday, September 15, 2022
6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
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David Wangkyu Kim
David Wangkyu Kim is a second-year Master of City Planning Candidate with a concentration in Urban Design at the University of Pennsylvania with an undergraduate degree in Landscape Architecture from the Pennsylvania State University. His main interests in the field are urban aesthetics and how social interactions, politics, and time have shaped and continue to shape Cities. He completed the Streeteries project as part of a summer internship program at LRK.
Richard Sodeinde
Richard Sodeinde is a 4th year Bachelor of Architecture student at Penn State. After completing his thesis next year he will decide whether to pursue a master's degree or go into professional practice somewhere at least 3 hours away from his hometown. He completed the Streeteries project as part of a summer internship program at LRK.