What recent building or public place in Philadelphia is “postcard worthy” and best represents high-quality design, as advocated by DAG?
The rules are simple:
* Suggest projects in Philadelphia that exemplify good landscape design, architecture and/or urban design that have been completed between 2002 and 2012.
* Projects should be visible or accessible by the public; private spaces, such as residential interiors or private gardens, are not eligible.
Post a picture here our facebook page, on Twitter #greetingsfromphilly and @designadvocacy, or submit to our online gallery.
VOTE for the project that you think is most postcard-worthy
Vote on our website, and also by “liking” the project on our facebook page or send us your vote to DAGpostcards@gmail.com
Winner(s) will be announced at DAG’s 10th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, October 14th and will be printed as postcards that will be available at the event.