Join me in supporting advocacy of design quality and equity in Philadelphia.
Brandywine Realty Trust believes that the physical spaces we all create help define us. These spaces should reflect both our architectural history, as well as the energy and diversity of our city. Just as important, though, they need to reflect our hopes and aspirations. Whether it be a presence on the skyline, an energizing ground plane, a new public assembly, or a re-imagination of a historic building, what we build helps define who we can be.
Like the Design Advocacy Group (DAG), Brandywine Realty Trust is passionate about urban development and architectural design. We value DAG as a frank and engaging forum to discuss how the physical can define us.
That’s why we chose DAG to share our work at Schuylkill Yards in May. And why we are excited about DAG’s advocacy to improve both the Schuylkill and Delaware riverfronts.
Now, in this season of giving, I hope you will consider joining us in supporting DAG in its vital work as a public forum and advocate for design quality and equity in the planning, architecture, preservation, and physical development of Philadelphia.
Please visit #DigDeepforDAG today to make your tax-deductible contribution in support of ensuring a quality urban environment in the city we all love.
Best personal regards,
Jerry Sweeney
President and CEO, Brandywine Realty Trust
Honorary Chair, #DigDeepforDAG