
Wrapped in Ads, Bus Shelters Won't Feel Safe

Letter to the Editor, Philadelphia Inquirer, Friday, July 3, 2015, p. A19


The Design Advocacy Group is supportive of the effort by the city to update its bus shelters and take advantage of revenue they can produce. We admire the design, which manages to be both simple and inventive. But we believe that the extent and placement of advertising will be a detriment, and that the main function of the shelters will be compromised.


Not only does the proliferation of advertising wraps in our city look terrible, but it makes the sidewalks less safe. I clearly remember standing in a wrapped shelter at 13th and Market Streets earlier this year. I'm not timid, but as a woman standing alone, in the dark, cut off from passersby, I felt unsafe even on that busy corner. Our beautiful and vibrant city deserves better.


Kiki Bolender, Design Advocacy Group, Philadelphia