
Establishing A Working Group for DAG Urban Design Handbook

DAG Members - As we look at Philadelphia’s regulatory documents for design, there are Complete Streets, Green Streets, and the Sky -plane regulations, but design guidelines or regulation for “private development” through zoning has been an unsuccessful issue with the City. Overlay districts (such as the Central Delaware River Overlay) and the Civic Design Review process have not reached their full potential. While the 2006 DAG Urban Design Evaluation has served us well, we are proposing the formation of an Urban Design Committee (UDC) and advancing our Urban Design advocacy. We are eager to engage with a wide range people with the DAG community to expand the 2006 document into a Handbook that can be an advocacy tool for a variety of users in the city. DAG’s Design Equity Task Force (DETF) work has been in connection with the Citizens Planning Institute (CPI) has been a great start and the UDC would work with DETF and others in developing the program.


If you would like to get involved please contact one or all of the following people as soon as possible.

Nando Micalenandomicale@gmail.com

Eli Storch - epstorch@gmail.com

Nika Faulkner - dagfellow@gmail.com